Media Supplements

Media supplements are crucial additions to cell culture media that enhance the growth, viability, and functionality of cultured cells.

Types of Media Supplements

Media supplements are essential additives in cell culture to support cell growth and function. They include:


Provides essential nutrients, growth factors, and attachment factors crucial for cell proliferation.

Growth Factors

Stimulate cell proliferation and differentiation, such as epidermal growth factor (EGF) and fibroblast growth factor (FGF)



Regulate cellular functions and metabolic pathways, including insulin and thyroxine.

Trace Elements

Essential minerals like iron and zinc necessary for enzymatic activities.

Media Supplement

Media supplements are essential components used in cell culture to provide the necessary nutrients, growth factors, hormones, and other critical substances that support cell growth and function outside their natural environment. These supplements play a vital role in maintaining cell viability, promoting proliferation, and enabling specific cellular functions in vitro. By creating a conducive environment, media supplements facilitate research, biotechnological processes, and the development of pharmaceutical products that rely on cell-based technologies.

Solid Dose Applications Brochure

Download our comprehensive Solid Dose Applications Brochure to explore the various solid dose forms, including tablets, capsules, powders, lozenges, and suppositories. Learn about their unique features, manufacturing processes, and advantages such as longer shelf life, accurate dosage, and controlled release. Discover how these solid dose forms ensure effective and reliable delivery of medications and supplements.

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